Coaching . Card Readings . Energy Healing . Yoga
Make peace with the past.
Manifest miracles into the present.

Krista Lindquist
Author, Intuitive Guide, & Yoga Life Coach
Krista is here to help you make peace with the past,
develop connections with Spirit and loved ones, and
learn how to manifest miracles into daily life.
Two years after earning her Wellness Coach and Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) certifications and first Reiki attunement, Krista left corporate and founded
JaeRae Wellness, LLC in 2019 to answer her soul-calling to help others
heal and thrive in a life they truly love.
Since then, Krista also became a certified Yoga Trapeze (aerial yoga) instructor, Sound Healer, and Reiki Master, traveled the country by RV with her daughter, and published her intimate and inspiring memoir, The Daisy Diaries.
Krista continues to guide clients through through her Manifesting Miracles programs
online and in-person with card readings, coaching, yoga, & energy healing.
Krista also helps others share their powerful stories as co-creator of the
Opening the Channel to Write Your Story intuitive writing course,
and offers yoga classes & workshops in and around Billings, MT.
Follow Krista's journey at @jaeraewellness on Instagram and Facebook.
Read more about Krista's story here.
With experience in personal healing from trauma and loss,
yoga, Reiki, sound healing, wellness coaching, and channeling Spirit,
Krista intuitively guides women who are ready to reconnect with their true selves,
make peace with the past, and manifest miracles into the present.
Get to know Krista with an Introductory Card Reading
and learn more about the
Manifesting Miracles coaching program and online course.
Check out the events page for a current schedule of
wellness fairs, book signings, workshops, & yoga classes,
even book your own event!
Plus, you can explore Krista's online shop for
signed copies of The Daisy Diaries and her unique collection of
healing home-made essential oil blends, body butters, lip balms, and
crystal beaded jewelry.
. . .
Contact Krista to learn more
Who is JaeRae?
JaeRae is my daughter, Jaelyn Rae, who has inspired my life since her birth.
After experiencing a series of tragedies and suicidal depression as a teen, Jaelyn brought meaning
back into my life.
Jaelyn motivated me to achieve higher goals. Most importantly, she helped me realize that climbing the corporate ladder and meeting social expectations do not always equal success or happiness.
She reminds me that real success comes from loving yourself and living your true passion, and that I'm here to share with the world what I strive to teach her most:
self-love, connection, and holistic wellness.
Since Jaelyn Rae inspires my passion to
help others heal and find their own success,
her name owns and defines it all.
With that, JaeRae becomes more than a name, it is a way of life - full of love, freedom, and fulfillment.
Contact me to learn more!