New to oracle card readings and intuitive guidance? No worries!
Check out these Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.

Krista Lindquist
Author, Intuitive Guide, & Yoga Life Coach
Q: What is an Intuitive Guide?
Intuition is an internal guidance system. We all have it. It is the "gut feel" ability to know something without analytic reason.
Intuition is how your soul (or as I refer to it, your highest or true self) communicates with you.
Intuitive guidance often comes through:
gut feelings
that little voice inside
"just knowing" something with certainty
Being an Intuitive Guide means that I am keenly tuned to my intuition and am an open channel for intuitive messages to be delivered. A skill that chose me unknowingly over eight years ago, I channel messages from past loved ones and spirit guides, and now deliver those messages to my clients.
Not until three years after earning a Wellness Coach certification, I found that my strength and true purpose as a coach was not to motivate others to exercise and eat healthy, but to go deeper to the root of their dis-ease. No outer change could be maintained without first changing the inside, i.e. changing our minds and opening our hearts.
"To make lasting change on the outside, one must first change on the inside."
Tapping into my intuition was the key to my own personal healing, growth, and fulfillment. My desire to share this "secret" with others, plus the increasing intuitive messages I received from Spirit, called me to specifically help my clients connect with their higher self, free themselves from the relentless "monkey mind," and access the power of their own intuition.
Now, I intuitively coach my clients through interactive personal card readings, private yoga and meditation sessions, distance Reiki energy healing, and my 5 Steps to Manifesting Miracles online course.
Intuitive guidance is not psychiatry, psychology, or therapy. Intuitive guidance and coaching is for those ready to make peace with their past, connect with Spirit and their highest self, and take inspired action toward manifesting their desired future.
If you are battling severe depression, anxiety, or PTSD, I highly suggest consulting a medical professional.
Q: How do the cards work?
I personally use angel or oracle card decks in my practice instead of the traditional tarot. Their purpose is simple, to deliver messages from Spirit to help bring clarity, healing, and peace to you and your life experience.
Before each card reading, I meditate with the cards to clear my energy and infuse them with the energy of my client. I ask my guides to answer their most important questions and deliver them what they need to make progress today. I'll continue shuffling the cards as the client and I get into discussion, further infusing the cards with the client's energy until they feel complete. Sometimes, the destined cards fall out of the deck as I shuffle. Other times, I follow intuitive messages to split the deck in certain ways.
No matter how the cards present themselves, it's always an exciting call for the client and myself. I always say, you can't make this stuff up! The Divine timing of our natural conversation and validation from the cards is astonishing during every single reading.
Q: What is a session like?
A card reading and intuitive guidance session engages you and I together in a cooperative effort for your benefit, connecting you with Spirit through intuitive messages to help bring clarity to your life situation and how to work toward the realization of your highest potentials.
Over a 1-hour Zoom call, we'll dive into discussion about your personal experience, where I'll intuitively ask questions to help bring your highest priorities to the forefront. As described above, I shuffle the cards while we speak. Intuitively, I pull and present them to the client as they flow into our conversation.
We often pull 3 cards, representing past, present, and future. Often, this translates to the relevant challenge or problem seeking solutions, what to do now to initiate healing, and how to maintain and progress into the future.
During these intuitive calls, I do not make decisions for you. The cards and intuitive guidance are meant to reorient you and explore why certain things are happening in your life, so that you can tap into the wisdom of your own intuition and the answers it already knows.
Every session is a unique experience, always bringing surprising and delightful validation and insight through the cards and synchronous intuitive discussion. You'll always leave with relevant tips and tools to take another step forward on your path to manifesting miracles.
For program members, we also explore the healing powers of yoga, meditation, and Reiki energy healing, infusing these practices into our sessions with the cards, as needed or desired by the client.
Q: How will intuitive guidance help me?
Intuitive Guidance is meant to empower you. You are presented information to help you discover new choices or solutions, or new ways of thinking about an issue, concern, or situation.
Anything discussed during a session is confidential. No records are kept — the information you receive is strictly your own. I am only interested in helping you make the most of your life.
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, intuitive guidance may be a great solution for you:​
Do you sense that you could get more out of life?
Do you feel disconnected from yourself or your life purpose?
Are you seeking the “why?”
Does your life feel out of control?
Do you face challenges of illness, relationship, loss, work, or other life issues?
A card reading and intuitive guidance session will help you get directly to the heart of the matter without tests, questionnaires, or analyses.
Are you ready to?
Become “unstuck” and restore balance in your life
Receive clarity on life decisions and issues
Connect to your Spirit Guides and Highest Self
Discover new solutions to life's challenges
Be free from the "monkey mind"
Love yourself and your life
If you're ready, let's connect! Learn how to get started below.
Q: How do I get started?
Book your first personal card reading by clicking below.
Don't forget to ask about my Manifesting Miracles program. Through card readings, coaching, energy healing, and 24/7 support through the 5 Steps to Manifesting Miracles online course, you can make peace with your past, connect with your highest self, and learn how to manifest miracles into your daily life in as little as 90 days!
Have more questions?
Contact me anytime to learn more.